Local Ambassadors

You know Zimbabwe firsthand, and you know there is still a great need for the gospel to be shared in our country. Local missions are just as important to the kingdom of God as foreign missions. Even Jesus would tell his disciples to start witnessing locally before embarking to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)! We need more Zimbabweans witnessing to more Zimbabweans.

There are a lot a great works taking place in Zimbabwe that are working hard to advance the Good News, and we praise God for all the good fruits that comes from them. We would love for you to be a part of the ministries we are engaged in here at Zimbabwe Missions.

Next Steps

Interested in getting started? Here are some steps to take as you engage in the Lord’s work in Zimbabwe:

  1. Spend some time in prayer as you reflect on your decision to serve Him in this mission work.

  2. Check out the ministries page to familiarize yourself with the work we are involved in.

  3. Complete the Ambassadors For Christ Zimbabwe Missions Volunteer Form online Google Form (see the form below).

  4. Wait to hear from us. Once you have submitted your form a ZM Team Representative will reach out to you!

That’s it. It’s that easy!

*Please note that this is voluntary service. This is not a paid position and no reimbursements should be expected nor will they be given.


Online A4C Volunteer Form